I’m a huge fan of Albert Einstein. What I admire about him is not only his physics acumen but rather his wise mind. His ideologies were brilliant, and his personality is very unique. On a similar note, his quotes have great depth in them. I’m going to write a quote. I want you to think about it. “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity”. What does that mean? On a surface level, you could say that in times of adversity, there is always a door open for you to enter and possibly escape. It could suggest to look for the positive side to every negative position we find ourselves in. However, behind all this, this is a very simple yet nuanced meaning hiding in the quote. Let’s look at an example. Apple released the iPhone in 2007. Laptops were around at that time, so why did they put in so much effort to reduce the form factor? It was because laptops were big, heavy, and not easy to carry around. There was a problem, and Apple found a solution. It’s the reason laptops were invented, People couldn’t carry computers, keyboards, mice everywhere. Now switch the words problem and solution with difficulty and opportunity. Do you see the brilliance behind the quote? His quote was not just for the individual being, but for the masses.
Next time you have a problem, look for a solution. I’m not saying this to be optimistic; it’s just way more likely for there to be a solution than none at all.
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