Entropy: The Working of the Universe

January 24, 2025 | by Venkat Balaji

Entropy is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics. If that’s all there was to it, then this would be a science lecture. However, entropy is special. It teaches us timeless lessons about the universe and life on it. Entropy is simple; it is a measure of disorder or randomness in a system. Its laws are what make it a special entity.

Thermodynamic law states, entropy cannot, without a specific laboratory experiment, decrease. Over time, the universe goes from order to disorder. It’s why radioactive materials decay, skeletons become fossil fuel, and roads have more traffic. We are, on the whole, heading towards disorder and yet, every one of us try and perfect our life and the surroundings around us. It is one thing to be organized; it is completely a different thing to be perfect. Perfection, in most cases at least, demands stability but entropy teaches us that change is inevitable. By trying to decrease disorder in your life, you’re just throwing disorder into someone else’s life. Law of conservation of Energy states, ‘Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transferred or transformed from one form to another’. 

With this knowledge in mind, I hope your mind is cleared from the anxiety of keeping things in an orderly fashion. I’m not against organization but keep in mind, it is a temporary resistance against an invincible force. What looks like an organized closet to you can be the reason your roommate can’t find his glasses. 

Disorder is the acknowledgement of the passage of time. 


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